Dave’s Performance Footgear has been helping people get faster, go farther and feel better since 1973. After taking up running for health reasons, Dave Mason began selling high performance shoes to runners and walkers alike. Fifty years later, Dave’s is still supporting local athletes of all abilities and experience levels.
Three generations of Masons are proud to offer the highest quality performance shoes, apparel, accessories, training programs and common sense advice to runners and walkers. Dave’s Performance Footgear has four convenient locations throughout Northwest Ohio; Delta, Sylvania, Perrysburg, and Findlay. Dave’s proudly supports the communities it serves by sponsoring more than two hundred local events, schools and nonprofit organizations each year.
No one offers a better trained team of Fit Specialists or a wider selection of hard to find sizes than Dave’s Performance Footgear. Whether you’re planning a long run or a brisk walk, when you visit any one of our four locations we promise to discuss your goals, assess your gait and find the best fitting pair of shoes you’ve ever owned.
Why not visit one of our four locations today? You’ll find we’re the oldest run specialty store in the state – and the best!